Test "How much are you in control of yourself?"

What do we have authority over in life?
We cannot influence the weather. We cannot force another person to work for our income. Of course, we can influence a lot. But we cannot manage this.
We can only control ourselves.
The one who can control himself can control the world.
And the more we have control over ourselves, the more we can influence things and circumstances of life the way we want it.
A lot of people are waiting for the state to take care of them, when prices in stores magically fall. They are waiting for someone or something to make their life better.
They will wait for this all their lives and will never wait if they do not understand that only a person himself can create for himself what he wants.
Man is the hammer with which happiness is forged. The same person is a blacksmith.
Managing Oneself gives us all the tools, all the opportunities for a very rapid change in life financially and in everyone else.
How can I determine how much I personally control myself? What level of self-control am I at now?
As you know, a person can be judged by his deeds. Also, his control of himself can be judged by his actions.
Take the test to find out how much you control yourself and what success you can expect from life.
Answer yes or no questions. If the answer is "rather yes", then put "yes".
After you have answered all the questions, count the number of “yes” answers and see the transcript.
Self Control Test:
1. I have a purpose that gives meaning to my life. I know exactly what I want.
2. I strategically plan to achieve a goal, that is, I have an algorithm for achieving it.
3. I am fully aware of what personal values are. They are all written on paper and do not contradict any of my goals.
4. I set goals on paper.
5. If I have a goal, I know for sure that this goal is a step towards a more global and meaningful goal.
6. In business / at work I have order: all tasks are completed on time, there is no mess in my head.
7. For each of my goals, I have a choice: at least 2 rational ways to achieve it.
Time management
1. I control my time - I know exactly what and how much time I have spent today.
2. I can without hesitation - immediately name at least 2 items / things in my house that save my time.
3. Every day I have time for work and rest, and for physical exercises, and for family, and for everyday life.
4. Every weekday I get up at the same time.
5. At the end (during) the day I have more than 4 hours of free time.
6. Meals take place every day at approximately the same time.
7. I have habits that help me save more than 2 hours a day of extra time.
1. I have already achieved more than 3 out of 10 goals for this year.
2. I periodically learn how to do more, but spend less time on it.
3. From the beginning of this year until today, I have done much more than in the same period last year.
4. For each day I have a to-do list.
5. I am constantly working to increase my effectiveness.
6. I have methods by which I can do more today than yesterday.
7. My income in the last 6 months has grown by more than 20%.
Motivation, Discipline, Enthusiasm
1. I wake up in the morning and I want to get up as soon as possible and start doing today's business.
2. Over the past 5 days, I have had no reluctance to complete tasks to achieve my goal (s).
3. In 5 minutes I can change laziness to a strong desire to do the necessary things.
4. Every day I can see real progress towards my goal.
5. I know and use techniques to quickly destroy laziness, excuses and unwillingness to carry out plans.
6. Every day I feel joy in what I do.
7. I do not wait for circumstances, other people or possible punishment to force me, I am in control of myself.
1. I don't watch TV.
2. Over the past half a year, I have had a vacation (or a time when I practically did not work) for at least 1 week.
3. I have no bad habits.
4. I am completely satisfied (flax) with my life and myself.
5. I feel deep self-confidence.
6. I value time more than money, because I know how to manage it and make it work for me.
7. I often do something new in my life.
Test decoding:
0-15: "Uncontrolled"
You don't know exactly what you want. You often procrastinate. Be lazy often. As a result, for several years and more you have been standing in one place and your life does not get better. Most of the time, you are wasting your time for nothing or useless things.
Your effectiveness in life is in its infancy. Grab your ass urgently and start changing! Before it's too late ...
15-23: "Average"
Your life is painfully similar to the life of 80% of other people. At least draw a picture "find 10 differences". You work in an ordinary "good" job, earn "stable".
It may seem to you that life is in control, but based on the fact that you are poorly managing yourself, your life has not improved for a long time.
Everything is not as bad with you as with Uncontrolled, but in order to become rich, confident and successful, you need to actively take care of yourself and your life.
24-29: "Advanced"
Most people around you most likely say that you are very well settled in life. Someone even considers you to be a successful and strong person. However, this is not always the case.
You live by your own rules and do the things you need that require self-control. But all the same, it is difficult for you from time to time, and you fall back into generally accepted patterns and frameworks. It is difficult for you to be in a state of high discipline and efficiency for a long time and to withstand the pressure of this state, which you have not yet learned to control and you easily get off the wave of success.
If you are, in principle, satisfied with today's quality of life, it is quite possible to stop at this level.
30-35: "Hero"
You are really doing well. You are one of those people who really managed to build your life very harmoniously. You set a goal, start moving towards it quickly and with great joy. You don't stop, you don't care about difficulties, and you reach your goal very, very quickly. Many times faster than "Advanced".