Creating e-learning - functions and tasks of the team

Docebo's analysis - "Elearning market trends and forecast 2017-2021" indicates that the market size of various types of e-learning worldwide exceeds 165 billion dollars by 2015 and is likely to grow by 5% per year between 2016 and 2023, exceeding $ 240 billion. According to the latest Technavio report, the e-learning market in Europe will grow to over $ 36.25 billion for the period 2019-2023.
E-learning is gaining more and more popularity and is undoubtedly a dynamically developing market that should not be neglected. But what people and activities are needed to do e-learning and get involved in the online learning market. Below we will give you a very brief description of the roles and tasks that need to be performed in order to build, disseminate and conduct an open e-learning (mass accessible learning, where participants or sending organizations pay the fee for participation).
The roles presented are relative and aim at the conditional distribution of tasks. A person can combine several or even all roles, if he has the necessary competencies for this. A possible solution is the use of external contractors or the purchase of (semi) finished materials.
Sponsor (owner) of the project
Initiate change - usually a person or group of people who manage the business and make decisions at the highest level.
To provide the necessary resources (human, financial, informational, material and time) for the implementation of the project.
To give an opinion, decision, assessment or opinion on the reports, reports or proposals for changes in the project for digital training received by the project manager.
Project Manager
To plan, organize, structure and motivate the team, coordinate, control and analyze the overall project implementation activities.
To prepare a map for the implementation of the e-learning project and to monitor the key indicators for implementation.
To impose changes and adjustments in the action plan if necessary.
To choose an appropriate system for conducting e-learning.
Prepare periodic implementation reports to provide to the project sponsor.
Market analyzer
To analyze the local, national and global e-learning market to which the online training course is planned to be distributed.
To analyze the competition on the selected market and define the market potential of the created e-learning.
To perform an analysis of the trainings offered so far, which includes the topic, content and the preferred by the target group form of e-learning - self-passing, online support from a teacher, hybrid (mixed online and face-to-face) training.
To analyze and describe the potential segment of users of online training.
To make forecasts for market efficiency, impact and return on investment from the created e-learning.
Financier of the e-learning project
To prepare the project budget - potential revenues, costs, return on investment.
To periodically monitor the revenues and expenses of the project and to propose changes if necessary.
To prepare periodic reports to the project manager and sponsor for financial flows.
Creator of educational content
To define the goals and objectives of the training.
To offer a path for acquiring knowledge.
To provide the tools for assessment of the acquired knowledge (tests, assignments, case studies, etc.).
To prepare all necessary and up-to-date materials for the training (usually in word format).
To periodically update the information concerning the training.
To change the learning content in relation to the feedback from the participants and the teachers.
To make language editing - grammatical, lexical and semantic of the material generated by the creator of the educational content.
To review and edit the material created by the designer of the educational content.
To give feedback on the semantic and logical unity of the learning objects
Learning content designer
Main task: Based on leading theoretical models of teaching to develop a practical methodology of teaching and delivery of learning content.
To determine the most appropriate type of training to meet the identified needs (face-to-face, entirely online - with a teacher or for individual transition, blended learning - part online and part face-to-face or other according to the specifics of the material).
To adequately use the new techniques and methods of providing online courses and trainings in order to be the most effective and efficient way of presenting the educational content.
To define (rigid, flexible, individual, etc.) and build the learning path through which the learners will pass.
To provide teachers (trainers) with the most appropriate means to teach this particular material (present or absent, with or without additional techniques or technologies).
To teach teachers how to use technology.
To conduct regular research and analysis of the results of e-learning and their impact on participants.
To plan the interactivity and playfulness of the educational content.
Author (s) of digital materials
To discuss with the designer of educational content the request for preparation of digital materials and to clarify the ambiguities and details.
Create designer-defined learning materials such as photos, videos, audio files, infographics, or animations.
To prepare digital materials in a format that is suitable for use in the specific e-learning management system.
Graphic designer
To create designs, concepts and sample layouts based on the basic training concept and to adapt them to the current design visions.
To realize the vision of the e-learning designer.
To prepare and submit to the advertising expert various digital, printed, etc. visualization materials for the purposes of advertising online learning.
To test (according to the test scenario) the created learning content, tests and assignments from beginning to end.
Document the testing process and areas for improvement through photos, video, audio, or other appropriate methods.
To prepare a report / s for discrepancies between the planned and actual implementation of e-learning.
A commonly used option to optimize this role is to run several test learners to complete the training free of charge for detailed feedback.
Advertising expert
To define the most appropriate advertising and communication channels for the distribution of e-learning.
To prepare a media and advertising plan based on the business objectives of the project.
To offer and conduct a number of activities - digital, visual or face-to-face formats in order to achieve the marketing goals for the sale of e-learning.
To prepare periodic reports on the effectiveness of each of the advertising channels.
Online teacher
To conduct online training, if it is provided with online or offline support.
To evaluate the participants and to give feedback.
To support the learning process.
To give feedback on the quality of training and areas that can be improved.
E-learning administrator
To monitor the number of registered participants and to give periodic reports to the project manager and sponsor.
To answer additional questions and inquiries from the participants in the e-learning.
To monitor the payments and to periodically submit information to the accounting and the financier of the project.
To support the activity of the teacher.
E-learning trader
To organize and conduct trade meetings with potential clients (organizations) who have an interest in purchasing training for their employees or members.
To present e-learning at exhibitions, seminars, conferences, demonstrations, etc.
To negotiate with organizations regarding conditions, volumes and preferential prices for access to e-learning or for its purchase.
To prepare and conclude contracts for implementation with organizations - clients of e-learning.